Saturday, December 28, 2013


"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." - Khalil Gibran 

We first met Bride Maita during this lovely green wedding at The Mango Farm. She was one of the entourage members, and we remember her best for her effortless elegance & her beautiful singing voice. We were surprised to hear from her soon after when she inquired for her own wedding and looking at these images from Pat Dy and after watching the SDE by Bob Nicolas, it didn't come as a surprise anymore that everything would turn out the way she was like: beautiful and elegantly effortless. 

We are very happy to be working again with a dear friend, Patricia Pastelero of Spruce Floral Designs, who was in charge of all the pretty things you're seeing at the dinner reception. Spruce was the perfect partner for this event, and their work never fail to amaze & delight. 

More than all the pretty details (the gown by Veluz, that heart-stopping hand-painted invitation suite by Bonnie Paperie), what we really loved was their messages & vows to each other. Truly, laughter is a gift. It's something that nourishes both heart and soul, and it's wonderful to see Miguel & Maita share so much of it in their daily lives. Come to think of it, when was the last time you actually laughed? The kind that hurts your belly and brings tears to your eyes? Laughter truly rings louder when you are with persons you care & love the most. 

Miguel and Maita, may you never lose sight of the reasons why you both came together. Walt Disney himself said it best,"Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever."             

Preps_ The Peninsula Manila
Church_ Santuario de San Antonio
Photographer_ Pat Dy
Video_ Bob Nicolas
Gown_ Veluz
MUa_ Kris Bacani
Planner_ Getting Married Philippines
Invites_ Bonnie Paperie
Church & Reception Styling_ Spruce Floral Designs
Bridal Bouquet & Entourage Flowers_ Vatel Manila
This wedding is featured on Bride & Breakfast.

Miguel and Maita from Bob Nicolas on Vimeo.

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